Apartmenthaus Kibar
Rübezahlplatz 4
30519 Hannover
Kontakt: Kibar Service
Hildesheimer Str. 234
30519 Hannover
+49 (0)511 898-3000
Mo. – Fr.: 9 – 18 h
+49 (0)511 898-30020
+49 171 2221022
eMail: info(at)apartmenthaus-kibar(dot)de
skype: "kibar-fair"
Kontakt: contact form
General Terms and Conditions
1. Basis of the business activity
1.a. KIBAR fair room service is working exclusively in the arrangement of housing contracts. The objects situated in the supply are exclusively private objects like rooms and suites which are rented out to fairs.
1.b. Tour operator is BGB still partner of the journey or housing contract KIBAR fair room service neither according to the § § 651 are first-classly). The latter is closed exclusively between lessor and tenant.
1.c. KIBAR fair room service is liable exclusively for the activity to the arrangement. The liability confines itself to gross negligence and firm intention. Tenants as well as lessors may not lay any claim to nonswitched orders.
1.d. Place of jurisdiction is Hanover.
2. Booking carrying out
2.a. The granting of a reservation order requires the in writing.
2.b. On enquiry we make an offer subject to confirmation which is free and tailored to the requests of the guest. On receipt of a confirmation by the guest the booking is carried out and we charge the guest the commissions.
2.c. At overnight stays of one or two nights no separate offers are made. You can book only directly over an ordering form here.
2.d. KIBAR fair room service is the journey and housing contract with the obligatory booking by the agency taken place between the guest and the lessor.
3. Terms of payment (Separate terms of payment apply to groups)
3.a. Commissions are immediately after receipt of the booking confirmation due.
3.b. The guest pays the overnight stay costs directly to the lessor. The overnight stay charges can be paid and then passed on also to KIBAR fair room service on request of the guest. With guests from the non-European foreign countries have to be paid to overnight stay costs and commissions after booking having been carried out directly to KIBAR fair room service.
3.c. Prices for arrangement activity As a rule, the commissions amount to 20% the arrangement volume plus VAT At overnight stays of one or two nights the commission amounts flatly to euros per room and night plus VAT 20.
4. Cancellation/change (Separate cancellation conditions apply to groups)
4.a. In principle, cancellations and changes require the in writing.
4.b. At cancellations/changes KIBAR fair room service levies a handling fee of euro 20.-per rooms. These charges are due in addition to the commission already calculated.
4.c. At KIBAR fair room service which less than 45 day before journey in writing comes in at cancellations/changes, the lessor is authorized to bill the guest for the overnight stay costs expelled in the booking confirmation.
5. Other regulations
If one regulation of the general Terms and Conditions should be or get ineffective or trivial, then the other regulations aren't touched by it in her effectiveness.